Monday, January 19, 2009

Why I love garage sales

#1: You get rid of stuff. It is amazing how much stuff we have accumulated in the short 8 years we've been married.
#2: You make money. We're working on our emergency fund and this really helped us jump closer to it.
#3: You meet your neighbors. We live in an established neighborhood and I really don't know a lot of people in our small area. I was able to meet all sorts of neighbors!
#4: You change your thinking. I realized that stuff is just stuff and I am fine without lots of it.
#5: You get disgusted with yourself about your spending. After seeing all that stuff filling up our dining room for the week before the sale, I am truly fine with none of it (save David's chair) coming back into our house. I was seriously grossed out by it all that I had trouble falling asleep!!
#6: You are a blessing to people. There was a lady who we met through craigslist. She is starting a in-home daycare and got tons of stuff. She thanked us profusely and said we were such a blessing. Just made me realize how God uses me in people's lives. =)
#7: You realize that your house isn't as small as you thought it was with all that stuff in it.
#8: You raise eyebrows. We sold a majority of our baby stuff. Our neighbor asked why we were selling all this stuff when we were going to have more kids. We explained that #2 isn't going to be on his/her way for another 2 - 3 years. We decided that in order for him/her to have a better start that we needed to be debt free. Besides, they'll come out with tons of new and improved stuff between now and then!
#9: You get traditional garage sale breakfast: DONUTS!!
#10: You end up saving more money. I have found that as I walk around Target that I see things through different eyes. All I think about is that one day it will all be garage sale fodder!

After everything was gone, we realized how neglectful we have been in our housekeeping duties. Needless to say, Sunday was full of cleaning!! I am so sore!!

1 comment:

R said...

i love that you used the word "fodder"! one of my favorites. :0)