Monday, January 5, 2009

Menu Monday

I saw this on R's blog and think it is a great idea. It will also keep me on the menu I keep at home which tends to be more flexible than I care for. I used to plan for two weeks but things always seemed to get off that second week so I am down to planning one week. Let's hope this works!!

Monday: Spaghetti and Salad
Tues: Shrimp and beans
Wed: Church dinner
Thurs: Pot Roast (pre-made from HEB - YUM!!!)
Friday: Tuna Casserole; Veggies (This is one of K's favorite!!)
Saturday: Dinner at the Brinkmans
Sunday: Tamales

Please note that the only dinners that are not frozen are Tues and Sat. I used the summer to make extra casseroles and froze them. Has made dinner planning and eating at home so easy!! If I get a chance this week, I'll put the recipe on for tuna casserole as it is pretty healthy and freezes beautifully.


R said...

oh yeah! so glad you're joining the menu plan bandwagon. :0) it helps inspire me when i read others' menus!

Palmer said...

Yum!! Jordan and I will be over for dinner!!