Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday Lunch

It has become a tradition in my family that we go out to eat after church. This saves someone from having to cook right after church. Plus, it really has become a great family time. Yesterday was no exception.
My nephew decided on lunch before my parents had left the driveway. He chose Steak N Shake - a family fav. We had not been in a while so we were all looking forward to it. What made this a special lunch for me was that we had company join us. The Smiths and the Palmers ate with us. Now, these people are like my second family. They have known me since before I was born and are very important to me. They always make me laugh and a such a joy to be with. I think it is so cool that M. Palmer babysat me. I babysat J. Palmer. M. Palmer and J. Palmer and J. Smith all babysat K. They can't wait to babysit Miss A! They have been there for the good times and have helped me through some rough times. I feel so very, very blessed by them. M and J regularly join us for lunch so have J and C come too was a thrill!! We all had a great time at lunch. J shared his fries with K. Ok, he shared a few fries and K took a few more! We oohed and aahhed over everyone's shakes. We shot straw wrappers at each other. And we laughed!! I kept thinking about lunch all day and what a great time we had. It made me realize that God doesn't just put people in our lives randomly. He plans not only the places but the exact times. It is so very humbling when you feel his grace through others. Just by them being there, the Smiths and the Palmers graced us. It was more than a good time. It was a God time for me.

New Blog

I made a new blog to go along with my Homemade Gourmet Business. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wondering what my password is......

I know....I have been neglecting my blog for way too long. But I have been busy. Still have a 4.0 in my masters classes (three more semesters left!). K is now 3 1/2. If he makes to for, it is only by God's grace - seriously!! Hmmm...what else...Oh yeah - our family welcomed a beautiful baby girl in December!!

So, everyone asks questions about her. Is she sleeping through the night? (Mostly) Who does she look like? (Everyone says K though a few say me) Is it fun having a girl? (YES!! Hello!!! The clothes!!) Can I take her home? (NO!! Waited to long for this one!)

A has a very special place in both sides of the family - the only girl. I was thrilled to learn we were having a girl. But then, the pressure hit me. I certainly do not want her to have to go through all of the body image issues I have dealt with - who does?? Plus, I want her to be strong yet caring, smart yet always thirsting for knowledge. I feel so blessed that she has such wonderful people as her grandmothers. She has three of them. They are all different but filled with overflowing love. She also has so many men in her life that adore her, namely my father and K. He told me last night that he wanted me to give A to him so that he could hold her. He said he was strong enough! He truly loves her in way that is beautiful. I so want my children to be close to their siblings. Neither my husband nor I was and we both feel like we missed out. Any suggestions you have for keeping the love between kiddos is greatly appreciated!

My favorite part of the day is when I pick her up from daycare. It takes her a second and then she sees it is me. She gives the biggest smile and starts wiggling. - melts my heart! Then here comes K, fighting pirates or stormtroopers, and he stops to give my legs a squeeze.
