Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back to routine

For some reason, all of the Teubner's are having a hard time getting back into the groove of back to work. Before Christmas, Chris and I were up at 5:30. K slept until 7:20 or so. Now, we wake up at 6 and K wakes up around 6:15!! AARRGGHH!! We just cannot wake up but K can??? Speaking of, he was totally impressing people at church dinner last night with his vocabulary. We had grilled cheese so he got to use "samiches" a lot. This morning, he had a new three word sentence: "I drink mulk". Just never stops amazing us.

It is so hard to blog!! Something will happen and I'm like, "Oh!! I need to put that in the blog!" But when I sit down to write it, I cannot remember what it was!! I need to start writing stuff down.

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