Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On the lookout

My best friend M called yesterday morning and asked how K was. I told her fine. And she was relieved. Seems that Monday evening, her daughter started coughing and they ended up taking her to the emergency room since she was having trouble breathing. Turns out she has RSV and M wanted me to be on the lookout for symptoms: coughing, runny nose. That made me remember how K had started coughing the night before. So, I called K's daycare and let B know. She called around naptime and said that K had been sleeping for about 30 minutes but woke up coughing and could not get back to sleep. C took off from work and picked him up and made him an appointment. The Dr. said that it was not RSV just a bad cough. He gave us a prescription to use in case the cough worsens. K slept pretty good last night but was up and going at 5:45 A.M.!!!! He truly is a mix of C and I. I wake up happy and cheery but am content to stay in bed and be lazy. With C, once he's up, he's up and will not lay in bed. K wakes up happy as can be but does not like snuggling for a little bit so we can get a few more minutes of sleep!!


R said...

good to know! thanks for the heads up that it's going around. i'll be sure to watch for signs.

Palmer said...

That's why you weren't at church tonight! We missed you guys. I really missed my K kisses. He'll have to double up the next time I see him. Hope K feels better soon. Give him a hug and kiss for me.