Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's party time!

This week is the week of Christmas parties for Chris's work. We had our first one last night at the Amon Carter. It was a good time even though I only knew about 3 people there. The food was really good. They had a chocolate fountain with Godiva chocolate - YUM! There was also a really cool exhibit of Frank Golkhe photographs. The really interesting ones were from the 1979 tornado that hit Wichita Falls. He took pictures right after the tornado and then again 14 months later. It was really interesting to see what changes had been made and what was still there. We have a party tomorrow night at the Old Red Courthouse. I can't wait! That is a really cool museum. Granted, I'm a geek that way. Then we have a party on Friday night that is a casino night. Not really our thing but it's a chance for Chris to schmooze some more. They have blackjack and poker which I'm not good at. Now, if they had a slap jack table, I would so be there!!
Keegan had a great night at his Nanny's house. He entertained Nanny and Grandnanny. He is so funny!! He is starting to make talking sounds so it is like he is trying to say what you say. Sometimes, he just looks at you and grabs your face and yells. What did we do before he came?
Oh and Keegan is in a photo contest again this month. Just click here once a day to vote. You can vote from one Ip address each day so vote from home and work. I have no idea what we will win but it makes for a fun month!

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