Monday, December 10, 2007

In the Christmas spirit, FINALLY!

So we made it through the three Christmas parties for Chris's work. They were all fun, even the one we usually dread. That was a surprise for us. Luckily, they did have the same jazz band but we missed their signature piece, "Smooth Operator" - DARN!
We did have a busy weekend. I had rehearsal for our church's Christmas musical on Saturday morning. After that, we headed over to the Highlands in Arlington to have Keegan's pictures taken with Santa. He did great! Santa knew it was his first time to see Keegan face-to-face so he made sure to talk to Keegan and not immediately hold him. The pictures turned out cute! We then headed over to Orvis because they had Golden Retriever Rescue of North Texas there with some of their dogs. We had to go over and see them so Chris could get his golden fix. We know that our next dog will be a rescued golden. Don't worry. We aren't getting one any time soon. We know that we cannot have more then two dogs. But we wanted to go see them and have Keegan check them out. He kept staring at them. I guess they are the biggest dogs he has seen. We bought one of their calendars and asked a few questions and then headed off for lunch. Afterwards, we headed home. We were gone so much during the week that we needed to have some time at home. Keegan really enjoyed it. He'd play for a bit then get hungry. He'd eat and then take a nap. Granted, he did not want to take a nap but he would drift off while laying on my chest, with his head on my shoulder. That just makes my heart melt!
Sunday was a really good day. We had church. We are teaching the 3-4 year olds this month. It has been such a joy to have Chris help me this month. The kids really seem to like him there, too. They are so funny! We had lunch with my parents and Grandnanny at Outlaws and then headed home for an afternoon of watching the DVR (we are three weeks behind!) and laundry. We dropped Keegan of at Nanny's and t hey all took him to church for the children's program. We had an official date night! We had dinner at House of Blues and saw Chris's favorite band, Sister Hazel. They performed from their Christmas album and did some of their hits. It was a nice mix of both. Hearing their Christmas songs really put me in the holiday mood. It also helps that we actually have cold weather! Some people were complaining that they sang holiday songs but it said on the tickets that it was a holiday performance. We enjoyed the time together and the music was great. They had the stage decorated with two Christmas trees and Christmas lights. They even had their mike stands decorated with lights! It was the first Christmas show I have ever attended and realized I need to go to one every year. It was so neat sitting there and singing along. Granted, SH does have a great Christmas CD!

1 comment:

R said...

Dude, I love SH too! Didn't know they were still around. Didn't know they did Christmas tunes, either! I'll have to check it out.

Can't wait to see y'all next weekend!