Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So, the other night, we were out delivering furniture. We dropped off the hutch at my cousin's house and then stopped at Chapp's Cafe in SGP for dinner. They have the best hot dogs! Anyways, after dinner, I almost hit a kid with the door as we were leaving. This group of teenage boys were skateboarding right outside the entrance. Well, Chris and I, being the old codgers we are, start mumbling about how they aren't supposed to be skateboarding on the sidewalk. They even have a sign that says so! So, we are getting settled in the car and we look up to see one of the kids going to jump the curb. Well, he moved wrong and lost his balance. But this kid must be one over-achiever because he fell right on his boy parts. We bust out laughing. He's rolling around on the ground and his trusty friends are just skating around him. We start driving away and the kid starts standing up. But he stands up like a crab with his legs really bent and his arms bent inwards. The kid is in obvious pain and we are still laughing. Chris jokes that the kid should run over to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream to help cool things off. The kid then starts crab running which is such a sight. Then we notice the he is indeed making his way to Baskin Robbins which makes us laugh even more. Granted it was something you had to be there to truly enjoy but it was something I had to share.

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