Friday, September 28, 2007

The New CrabMan

So, you know what it means to walk like a crab? It's when you walk on your hands and feet, but your back is arched up. Well, K has become an expert, well, at least on the legs part. His favorite time to do it? When I'm changing his diaper. I swear, I'd get out of the house 10 minutes earlier if he would just leave his butt on the changing table! I'll get the diaper in the perfect position for minimal leakage ... then just as I'm about to do the straps ... BAM! His butt's up in the air, and I've got to start all over. Yes, I get frustrated, but what am I going to do? He starts cracking up! He thinks it's funny when dad gets frustrated. Then I laugh at him laughing at me ... and it's a whole viscious cycle.

Big plans for the weekend: We're simplifying ... and this time we're doing it hardcore. Tonight, we're going to The Container Store ... yes that wondrous mecca full of places to put all your crap ... that sea of wonderfulness full of boxes of air ... that bigbox of boxes to put all your boxes. We figured out that we've really got focus on putting all our stuff up, because K's stuff ends up taking over the house. So, wish us luck!


Shannan Teubner said...

Good luck at the container place. That store scares me.

R said...

It's aaaaaaall about creative storage solutions! Good luck indeed.