Monday, January 7, 2008

We're moving now!!

Last night, we were watching Home Makeover and K was rolling around on the floor. He then noticed the remote had fallen to the floor. He truly covets the remote. We weren't worried about him getting it since it was out of rolling range. How we underestimate our little guy. As we were watching him struggle to get to the remote, he did it. He crawled!! We were both speechless. Poor thing. We kept moving the remote farther and farther away. We can't believe that he finally did it. He has been trying so hard the past couple of weeks. He will almost get those knees and arms moving and then get frustrated and fling them out from under himself. But he finally got everything going at the right time. He was so tired from showing off for us and Nanny and Pop. Chris should be getting video of it on our smugmug site later today.

1 comment:

R said...

i'm sure it was all because he saw us that afternoon, right?! haha