Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sickies have moved in

We all three are sick. Great. K has a cold that all the kids at Becky's have which has led to double ear infections. He's had it for a couple of weeks and we've tried meds but they didn't work. So, it's three days of zithromax. Please pray that it works. We are hoping that K does not take after his daddy and have to have tubes put it in his ears. Chris and I have been dealing with allergy stuff and it has now led to the beginnings of a lovely sinus infection. Chris is going to see our Dr. today and will check and see if he can get a prescript for me while he is there. This is really awful timing as Saturday is my cousin's daughter's 1st b-day. Izzy was born premature and is a true miracle. To miss out on celebrating this milestone saddens me but I know that she knows it is for the best.

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