Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just catching up

Well, we are better from our sickies but still not at 100% full Teubner Power. This long weekend was really nice since we got to spend a lot of time with Keegan. He truly changes everyday. We went and met Chris's mom and Tommy for dinner on Saturday night. While we were there, Keegan began to clap. Chris and I were both shocked since he all of a sudden started doing it. So an amazing guy. Then, yesterday afternoon, I was home with Keegan while Chris was in Houston. As I was feeding Keegan his dinner, I swear he was saying "Mama". I called and asked my mom if she had been working with him on it while she had him in the morning and she had!! He wouldn't do it for Chris but he has to be in a talking mood. Tonight, my parents and grandmother are coming over to have birthday dinner for my grandmother (turned 88 yesterday). We are hoping he feels like talking then!
Speaking of my grandmother, she said something that really touched me. My mother kept Keegan yesterday morning while I went and worked out and then met some friends for lunch and a movie. When I spoke with my grandmother yesterday evening, she was telling me all about the people who had been calling her all day. She then said that what she enjoyed most yesterday was that boy. This made my spirit glow to know that he means so much to her and that she is around to enjoy him. I never really got to know my great-grands and I know I would have enjoyed their diverse personalities.
On a sadder note, we might be looking at have to find new homes for our cats. Keegan has gone through two antibiotics to get rid of this congestion and ear infections but seems about the same. We are afraid that he, like the two of us, is allergic to cats. This does break our hearts since we view our animals as part of the family. Chris got Daisy for me the year we married. She is such a loving (sometimes too much) cat. She doesn't bug Keegan much and leaves his stuff alone. Fat Cat, on the other hand, thinks his crib is the best place to sleep! We have started closing his door when he is not sleeping to keep her out. We are hoping this will help him. While Fat Cat has her faults (we can't have rugs on the floor or leave anything fabric on the floor or she will pee on it!), she loves to be with you. She just purrs to sit on your lap. You don't even have to pet her and she's happy. She has also taken to sleeping between Chris and I at night. It is funny to turn over and see her snuggled between us. Just have the idea that we might have to find them new homes makes me feel like a bad parent but I know that we have to do what is best for Keegan. If it means that he will have a less likely chance of having ear infections than it is what we will have to do.

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