Thursday, August 28, 2008

Long time no write!

We had a GREAT summer filled with many firsts: swim lessons, story time, zoo visits, birthday parties, etc.

So what's new with the Teubners? Well, Chris got a new job working fora construction company. He's an estimator and really likes it when it is busy. It has taken him out of town more than his last job but not out of state!! I'm back at my same school. It was hard to come back (why aren't we independantly wealthy yet????) but things are better now that the students are here. K is not longer taking a morning nap. This is great becuase he has started going to bed earlier!! While he used to be a 8 or 8:30 bedtimer, he is now 7 or 7:30. This is great because that give us more time in the evening to keep the house picked up. It isn't not good on nights where we are out around 7 or 7:30. Nothing lilke a cranky little man to ruin a good time! Oh well. His current "new thing" is saying please. In order to say it, he has to scrunch up his face - so cute!! He also is a fan of the word "no" but for him, it is more like "Nawh".

Tonight and tomorrow, we get to go to the Airhogs playoff games - so excited!! Instead of taking a trip this summer, we decided to get season tickets to the Hogs. We have had so much fun!! K really likes going. We're hoping the Hogs stayed in (and win) the playoffs as that will give us more baseball. If you haven't gone, GO!!

1 comment:

R said...

so so glad to see you back!!