Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday was such a great day!! K woke us up around 6:30. I guess he was ready for the fun to begin. I got to open my presents. I got a inflatable pool from K that we can use this summer. From Chris, I got a video camera. It was so funny because on Saturday I was trying to get Chris to buy a pool at Target and he just wouldn't get one! It was like he was ignoring me. Now I know why! The camera is so cool. K does so many funny things that I know I want to capture and watch whenever he's being a teenager. It will remind me of how quickly time passes and he changes. We decided to skip church and headed out to Mimi's for breakfast. We really like going there - so yummy!! We then headed to Home Depot to buy some plants. After that, we went over to Granny's house to wish her a happy MD. She gets such a kick out of him. She just laughs at his antics. We headed home to get ready to go have lunch at Steak & Ale with my family. Grandnanny is still recovering from gall bladder surgery and was not up to it. I will never go back there for MD. It was so irritating because there was no parking. All the cheap people who didn't want to pay for parking at Six Flags parked in the A&A lot. Paying customers had to trek across two parking lots to get there! Try that in heels with a 22 lb baby and all the stuff that comes with him! The meal was ok. Just not a S&A fan. We went back home and got started on jobs that needed to be done. I cooked our meals for the next two weeks (gotta love casseroles!) and Chris worked in the backyard doing some planting. My dad came over to help Chris with installing the new screen door and switching out the dimmer light switches. Momma came over too and we just played around with K. Afterwards, we headed out to Cheddars. I wanted a Cookie Monster so bad!! But it was 8 o'clock and they had a wait where people were standing outside. FORGET IT! We skipped over to Spring Creek and walked right in. So yummy! A girl from our church works there and we got to say hi to her. She is so funny!! She had free ice cream brought over - YUM!! It is getting fun to see what K will eat. We are trying to let him experience a little bit off everthing. He LOVEd the green beans there and their mac n cheese. Granted, once he saw the ice cream, that was all he wanted. Good thing he is not lactose intolerant!!

K's going to be 1 year old next week - how I am not ready for that! We've got the party plans all down but I am just not ready to let go of my baby. While I do miss the baby phase, I am so enthralled with all he can do now.

I will say the best present I got on Sunday was a fabulous time with my parents. It is so nice to be able to sit back and laugh and goof off with your parents. I do feel sorry for people that do not have a good relationship with their parents. Trust, I am a firm believer that not every should be a parent. Some people don't realize it and others do. I for one am thankful everyday for my parents. They do so much for my brother and I. I am so blessed that God made them my parents. Granted, I think they didn't always feel that way but thank goodness I grew up!


R said...

Those kinds of days are my favorite-piddling around the house, leaving only to go out to eat, seeing family... and getting presents is fun, too! :0)

R said...

I forgot to add--M turning one was devastating for me! I was in a funk for quite awhile leading up to it and a little bit afterward. But after she turned one, all the age milestones got MUCH easier. Now it's just fun watching her grow and develop.

I hope it's easier for you, too, once you get past that initial big milestone. :0)

fableflo said...

Howdy! ;-)
Nice pictures.
By the way, all my mails came back "returned to sender" kind of. I sent them to the new "mum...etc."-address and to Chris, the man himself.
I bet you put me on the spam list.
Wish I could visit you sometime though, but that's not going to happen anytime soon.
So all the best from good old Germany. Maybe you'll do a Europe tour, say in ten years time? And spend a week at my house of course, which I'll have by then, naturally.
Hugs & Kisses,
P.S.: I bet Roz would LOVE to see K sometime...