Monday, October 1, 2007

What a weekend!!

So we didn't get as much done as we had planned but life happens that way. We did enjoy a family date night on Friday night with dinner and a trip to the Container Store. Saturday was a fun day because we got to go see Uncle Garrett play soccer that the Mountain Creek fields off Beltline. That was a lot of fun for K to watch the big kids. He also enjoyed getting to see Nana. It is so fun to see him smile at people when he is happy to see them. The only problem that we had on Saturday was the K did not nap. At dinner that night, he got really cranky. The worst was when they came out to sing "Happy Birthday" when he had just fallen asleep and it scared him to death. C had to take him outside to calm him down. Poor thing. Sunday was a great day at church, even though someone stole our minister's laptop and the hard drive he uses for backup. Kinda put a damper on the morning but it was a great sermon about how things in life aren't always going good but that God is always going to be with you. We spent the afternoon at home catching up on our shows from the previous week.

This is going to be such a fun month. Our church is having a Trunk or Treat on Halloween. This is where people reserve a parking spot in our church's lot and decorate their trunk and hand out candy. We have been looking forward to this since last year. K is going to be a pumpkin so we're thinking about decorating C's truck bed like a pumpkin patch. So cute!!

Also, this month, K is in a cute baby contest. The people who took his 3 months pics have an on-line contest. Be sure to go to and click on contest. You get one vote per day per IP address. This means that you can vote once from home and once from work since it is not tied to an e-mail address but an IP. Thanks for helping us out!!

1 comment:

R said...

K's photo is to die for! He's totally the cutest one in the crop.