Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday evening

While at the zoo, we smelled the delicious odor of hamburgers on the grill. It was then and there that we decided to have a cookout for dinner. When we got home, the kids went down for naps. Chris and Mark went to the store to get stuff for dinner. I had invited my parents and grandmother over. I also invited our friends the Priests over. They have season tickets for the seats behind us at the Airhogs. Chris took charge of the grilling and did an excellent job. When we sat down to eat, we said our prayer. We have been holding K's hands or shoulders since he was a baby when it was prayer time. This time, he held our hands the whole time. After was said amen and did our hand squeezing, we let go of his hands. He then grabbed our hands and said "Amen!" It was a total thrill of my soul to see that he understands!! The burgers were great. Though we were reminded that K doesn't like burgers yet. I ended up making him some mac and cheese with veggies. He did eat that but was totally shoving the baked beans into his mouth as fast as he could. There was a whole lot of visiting and laughing and cheering (Cowboy game was on). It really felt good to know that we have people in our lives who enjoy being in our home and sharing a meal together. The best part of the the evening was when Everett and Evelyn started singing "Ring around the Rosie". Everett is hilarious at this. When it comes to "all fall down", he throws himself on the floor and just giggles!! And Chris and I lost it when K joined in. While the Lowrie kids are spinning in circles, our pride and joy stands there and twists his body so that his arms flail around. For "all fall down", he bends over and smacks the floor. The rest of the night, he was running around saying "Ashes, ashes, ashes, ashes." But it didn't come out as ashes. Sounds like he was calling for a donkey!!

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