Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why did you let me down, Little Debbie? Why?

So, we had a perfect plan for what to do for the Valentines goodies for the kids at Keegan's daycare. I had my teacher's aid stamp the kids' names on labels in really cute Mickey Mouse stamp letters. I had the brilliant idea of taking the labels and putting on those cute Little Debbie brownies made for Valentines. They are heart-shaped with pink frosting - so cute!! Yesterday, Chris looked at two Targets for them but no luck. I went to Tom Thumb and CVS on my way home from working out and no luck. They were not to be found! I was running late getting home so I figured I would just go to Albertson's after bell practice.
What was I thinking!! 7:30 at Albertson's the day before Valentine's is crazy!! I finally decided to just make my own heart-shaped brownies the easy way. I got little tin foil pans that were heart-shaped, a roll of premade brownie dough, pink frosting, and red sprinkles. They actually turned out pretty cute. And good!! I made two extra for Chris and I. Whenever I open my bakery, they will be the special of the day for Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

R said...

I'd totally love to have a bakery! We should do that together. We could call it "Teudees"! (like "tooty's")