To start our summer, C and I will be taking K to Walt Disney World...just us and him. Miss A gets some alone time with her grandparents. C and I decided many moons ago that we wanted to do something special for our kiddos the summer before they start school and that something is Disney World. C and I are not telling K anything about it...though we are planting seeds in K's mind about it. He will not know what we are doing until we get there. Since we are flying, we don't know if he will be more excited about his first plane trip or Disney. Now that our trip is a few short weeks away, we are getting super excited. I decided that I wanted to use a Disney travel agent and boy and I glad I did! She is amazing!! She made all of our reservations - including meal reservations!! Be sure to contact Elyssa at
This is our motto:
After we get back from our trip, we have two weeks of swim lessons. K is super excited! He loves his swim teacher. This will be A's first year. Pretty much, her class is 30 minutes of non-stop crying from the random dunking that the little ones get. The purpose of this class is to teach the little ones how to save themselves if they ever fall into the pool and no one is around to save them. It was rough when I had to be the one in the pool dunking K for two years. For Miss A, she gets daddy - hopefully.
As for the rest of the summer, it will be filled with so much activity! There are crafts, adventures, and serious cooking (one item is to find the best ice cream recipe) that will be going on so be sure to check in and see what we are up to!!
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