Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Halloween Excitement

Our day started off with breakfast and just taking it easy around the house. Momma had a Spa Party at her house during nap time. I got to go get pampered while C enjoyed the quiet time. If you have never tried Beauticontrol products, I highly recommend them, I used to sell Mary Kay and loved it. But these products do so much more with less steps. Plus, I really like Nancy, my consultant. They have some great products for people with dry skin including a bath soak that Nancy's grandson uses to help with his severe eczema. Anyways, had a great time getting pampered and visiting with friends. I also made a sale for my Moocher Munchies business. One of the gals placed an order so that she can have some snacks when her family comes to visit for Thanksgiving - yeah!!
After the party, I got my guys and headed up to a Fall Carnival at our friends' church. K had a great time one the bounce houses. His favorite part was the cotton candy!! That was a mess to clean up! After all that fun, including winning some goodies at the cake walk, we headed to Monterrey's for some dinner. While waiting for our food, the friends that we had just seen at their church walked in - how funny! It is always better to have friends that like the same eateries as you do!! We visited and ate and then headed over to our church to set up for Trunk or Treat. I truly love this way of trick or treating as we get to come together as a church family and have a great time. We had so many families come through!! It was fabulous to be able to serve our community. So many churches are moving from the north side of town, where our church is and we live, to the south side of town, where more affluent families live. We, as a church, have decided that the community we are called to serve is right where we are. So we are staying!! After all that fun, we trudged our tired Batman home, ready to crawl into bed. C had some unloading to do in the garage, so I went and got K dressed for bed. C came running into K's room and told us to come out to the garage. We had a visitor!! We went out and stood in the doorway to the garage and met our visitor - a birdie! The poor little thing was trying to fin the way out and would only fly above the garage door! I went and got a loaf of bread to try to coax it the right way but that wasn't working. Suddenly, it flew start for me and K in the doorway. We ducked and the bird flew INTO OUR HOUSE!! I screamed. K went looking for the bird to give it bread. C starting chasing it down. Luckily, the dogs were already outside but the cats were somewhere in the house. I set out to find them and shut the doors to the bedrooms. The birdie flew into K's room where one of the cats was. I quickly grabbed for Daisy and put her into the guest room. The birdie then flew out into the dining room. I called my parents and told them to come right over. Then, our other cat caught the bird in her mouth!!! Somehow the bird got loose and C grabbed the cat and put her in the guest room. Now the birdie was freaking out and flying all over the house!! Mom and Dad got there and just started laughing. First a snake, now a bird!! It kept flying from the back of the house to the laundry room and into the dining room. C opened up the front door to try to coax it out but nothing was working. And poor K is trying to chase down the bird to give it some bread!! Eventually, Momma was able to block off the birdie's path to the living room. It went around her and went straight for the laundry room again. Daddy was able to block it from going that way and it flew out the garage door. We were all happy that it found it's way. Then we wondered if it had left the garage or was still in there. I ventured out and, sure enough, it was still in the garage! After a few minutes, we were able to get it to fly out of the garage and into the world. After all this, we took about an hour or so to calm back down. What an adventure!
FYI - We checked the next morning. No dead birds in the yard - yeah!!

1 comment:

Palmer said...

I remember the time a bird got into Beth Rustenhaven's house! It was hilarious!! Of course it is a whole lot more funny when it is not your own house!!!! LOL