Well, I woke up Saturday morning totally pissed. There really is no other word to describe it. C has been sick since the later part of the week. He thought it was allergies due to everyone in the office having the congestion and such from construction going on in the facility. Not the case!! Allergies are not contagious!! I started feeling yucky sometime during the night. My chest felt horribly heavy and there was a tickle in the back of my throat. Plus when C is sick, he snores most horrid. Between him and my aged schnauzer Neil, I could not sleep. I got up and went into the living room to sleep. C woke up and felt really bad for me sleeping in the living room and told me to go to bed and he'd sleep on the couch. I was at the point of almost falling back asleep, and decided that if I moved too much, I'd wake up. So, he took K into our bedroom and let me sleep a little longer. That made me feel a bit better but I knew it was time to get up. K is a good mix of both of us. He gets up in a fantastic mood like me but doesn't like lounging in bed, just like C. Since none of us were in any condition to go anywhere, we decided to just have a fun day in. K wanted to go play on his new playset, but, as I explained to him, Mr. Sun was not out so neither were we. How do you keep a 1 1/2 year old occupied? Finger paints and playdough! C dragged K's kiddie table into the living room. We had a blast showing K how to finger paint. I was surprised that K enjoyed it as much as we did since he kinda doesn't like getting too dirty. But, we spent a good time just painting. Then, as it tends to be with us, we got a little crazy with the finger paints and ended up painting each other!! K was so funny about the whole thing. He reveled in the silliness of the moment.
He even stuck his paintbrush with paint on it up my nose (I will SERIOUSLY be blowing red fingerpaint for a few days!!)
We told K to smile for the camera. What a cheese!!
Family portrait as painted by the Teubners
Saturday night was spent at C's Dad's house in Corinth. The cooked Asian (AKA ordered Pei Wei). We then played a game of Cranium. C and I were a team. His parents were a second team. His brother and grandfather were the third team. It was a total blast. C's Grandfather, Pawpaw, is wheelchair bound due to a degenerative spine disease. He was like a kid in a candy store, just drinking in the joy and laughter. There is one part of the game where you have to pose your partner into a pose to try to get them to guess the thing on the card. C's dad was like, "Ok, J, you get to pose Pawpaw!" We all laughed at that. In the end, C was the poser for that team. (What a poser!) Pawpaw really enjoyed the trivia questions. He'd even guess at other people's questions. He would say, "Is it ok if I guess it in my head? That way if I am wrong, no one will know!" After the question, I would asked, "Were you right, Pawpaw?" "Sure was!" Just a great evening to top off such a fantastic morning!
We got a bit cleaned up and got out the playdough. We would roll it into balls and K would squish them. The big fun came when he would put balls into the container and put the lid on it. He would then shake it furiously and have the biggest grin on his face. He would then pry the lid off so that the playdough balls would go flying and just scream with delight. We learned two things that morning. One, you can have a great Saturday making memories without spending tons of bucks. Two, Neil like playdough.
Saturday night was spent at C's Dad's house in Corinth. The cooked Asian (AKA ordered Pei Wei). We then played a game of Cranium. C and I were a team. His parents were a second team. His brother and grandfather were the third team. It was a total blast. C's Grandfather, Pawpaw, is wheelchair bound due to a degenerative spine disease. He was like a kid in a candy store, just drinking in the joy and laughter. There is one part of the game where you have to pose your partner into a pose to try to get them to guess the thing on the card. C's dad was like, "Ok, J, you get to pose Pawpaw!" We all laughed at that. In the end, C was the poser for that team. (What a poser!) Pawpaw really enjoyed the trivia questions. He'd even guess at other people's questions. He would say, "Is it ok if I guess it in my head? That way if I am wrong, no one will know!" After the question, I would asked, "Were you right, Pawpaw?" "Sure was!" Just a great evening to top off such a fantastic morning!
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