Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Such a mobile man

Keegan truly enjoys his new found mobility. He is EVERYWHERE! Becky remarked that he is starting to not like to be held but be on the floor going somewhere. He also has a nice collection of bumps and his first bruise (ugh!) from pulling up on things. It is pretty funny when he sits on his knees and bounces up and down. He looks at you with an expression that says, "Check out what I can do! I am sooooooo cool!"
He does go to the Dr. today to have a checkup on his ears. We are hopeful that the infections have cleared up. We are worried about him taking after his daddy and having tubes in his ears. Not something we are looking forward to. But we are doing all we can to get them cleared up and stay that way. If only the weather would help us out!
We did have something happen that we have been dreading. Mattie, our red dog, snapped at Keegan Sunday night. He got too much into her space and she let him know. She did not come near biting him but scared him and made him cry. This has made us talk about a few things. First of all, what will it take for us to say no more and try to find her a home. Will it take Keegan getting hurt? How hurt will he have to be? Also, what will we do to try to find her a new home. Will she go to one of our parents' houses? We know that it will be hard to find her a home due to her age, medical issues, and history of biting. She has a huge fear for men and goes after people she is not familiar with. In talking last night, we realized two things. One, this is not a topic we like talking about. Two, it is a discussion we need to have now so that if something else happens, we will have a plan that has been logically put together and not one that we made during a time of high emotion. We we are hoping is that the incident has made him more aware of the animals and he will avoid them. We also try to involve him in their care. After they had their bath, he helped me brush them. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them. Please keep us in your prayers as we make our plan.

1 comment:

R said...

I don't have any ideas, really...we just got our first pet as a family--a betta fish! :0) But I'll check with my MOPS mom friends and see if they have any wisdom. I'm sure it's something many new parents have grappled with!