Thursday, October 4, 2007

Five Minutes ... 3 Outfits

So, this morning, S asks me why I set the alarm so early (5:45). I told her it was because by getting up that early, I don't feel as rushed, and I'm pretty much ready to go by 7:30. I think she jinxed me by asking.

So, I get up, feed K, make breakfast, eat breakfast, take a shower, and wake up K again to get him ready for the day. I get him dressed and ready to go, and put him on our bed to watch TV (I know, we're bad parents). All of a sudden, while I'm getting dressed, he starts coughing really loud. I go over to check on him, pick him up, then all of a sudden this 10 foot gusher of spit-up comes raging out of my son's mouth. It gets all over him, all over me, all over the bed, and all over the carpet. Yes, my son is an overachiever. So, S takes him to put on Outfit #2. I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but somehow he managed to pee all over himself and outfit #2 while she was getting him dressed. Now it's Daddy's turn to pick out outfit #3. Last I checked, he was still wearing it.

Now, we normally go through at least 2 outfits a day with this kid, but 3? In 5 minutes!? Sheesh ...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh boy, that made me laugh. Now everyone in my office is rolling.
