This week is dragging by. Granted, yesterday was hard since K got his 4 month shots. I did not know that his face could turn such a lovely shade of sunset - so many colors at once! Looked like a Galveston sunset. He did super though and was done crying by the time we left the room. And he was great for the rest of the night. He was running a low fever his morning but, thank goodness, it is under Miss Becky's fever limit.

Chris and I were talking the other night about how much fun we are having with him. Everyday is such a joy. Last night, he started to mimic my mom when she would blow raspberries. It was so cute! We were all laughing, including K! His joy truly is a gift from God because it makes us all instantly feel better.

Chris and I were talking the other night about how much fun we are having with him. Everyday is such a joy. Last night, he started to mimic my mom when she would blow raspberries. It was so cute! We were all laughing, including K! His joy truly is a gift from God because it makes us all instantly feel better.
I am helping plan a women's retreat for our church. I know a lot of people would think that it would be such a pain and, honestly, I started with the philosophy that everyone has to do their part at least once. But I have enjoyed it all so much! I cannot wait for the last weekend in October because we have such awesome things planned for the women of our church. I was a bit down about the number we have coming since it is half of what we were expecting. I realized though that the people who needed to be there were coming and that was the most important thing. One thing I learned from Mary Kay is that God puts specific people in front of you on a daily basis and you need to realize why he chose you to be the one for them. So look forward to the retreat report in a future blog!
Oh and I have started handbells at my church. So far, it is very frustrating for me since I have NO CLUE on how to read music. But I'm not giving up yet! Since I can't sing, I figured this could be my joyful noise to make.
I love your blog!! That picture is just so cute...he's getting so big!
And I can't wait to hear your joyful noise! You can always follow Mono's rule: "If you can't sing good, sing LOUD!" ;)
Wow. How fun is this??
Welcome to Blogland! So glad you've joined us. Yours is great!
I know what you mean about low numbers disappointment...our church's Women's Ministry is experiencing the same thing, as well as my Mothers of Preschoolers group, and we're just realizing that it's God's timing. This is just the way things are right now--a time of regrouping and rebuilding.
I'm glad you're having fun planning the retreat! You know how I love to plan stuff...
And handbells! Girl, I'm so jealous. I've always wanted to join the Methodist church just so I could play them! You don't find many handbell choirs in Bible churches... HAHA!
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