Well, Chris took Keegan to the doctor yesterday to have his ears checked. We have been struggling with ear infections in both ears since the end of December. At the check-up, the doctor was not happy with the results. While the left ear had cleared up, the right one is still infected. So, now we are on antibiotic #3. The doctor will check his ears at his 9 month check-up on February 25th. If things have not improved, he said we will need to have a serious discussion about having tubes put in his ears. Chris sees no problem in putting the tubes in since he had tubes growing up. He remembers how painful the earaches from the infections were and does not want to put Keegan through that. Keegan will have to wear earplugs for baths/showers/swimming until the fall out. Of course, Chris's did not fall out and he had to have them surgically removed. I am worried about the tubes basically becuase I am not familiar with them. No one in my family has had ear tubes. I am also concerned about future complications. Chris has hearing loss (that he won't go see a specialist for!) that he does not know how it happened. He thinks it is caused by something else but I'm just not sure.
So, again, prayers for healthy ears!!
Meet the Teubners and their fur family. As parents, we're learning every day that God has place a special responsibility on our shoulders, and we love every minute of it.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Such a mobile man
Keegan truly enjoys his new found mobility. He is EVERYWHERE! Becky remarked that he is starting to not like to be held but be on the floor going somewhere. He also has a nice collection of bumps and his first bruise (ugh!) from pulling up on things. It is pretty funny when he sits on his knees and bounces up and down. He looks at you with an expression that says, "Check out what I can do! I am sooooooo cool!"
He does go to the Dr. today to have a checkup on his ears. We are hopeful that the infections have cleared up. We are worried about him taking after his daddy and having tubes in his ears. Not something we are looking forward to. But we are doing all we can to get them cleared up and stay that way. If only the weather would help us out!
We did have something happen that we have been dreading. Mattie, our red dog, snapped at Keegan Sunday night. He got too much into her space and she let him know. She did not come near biting him but scared him and made him cry. This has made us talk about a few things. First of all, what will it take for us to say no more and try to find her a home. Will it take Keegan getting hurt? How hurt will he have to be? Also, what will we do to try to find her a new home. Will she go to one of our parents' houses? We know that it will be hard to find her a home due to her age, medical issues, and history of biting. She has a huge fear for men and goes after people she is not familiar with. In talking last night, we realized two things. One, this is not a topic we like talking about. Two, it is a discussion we need to have now so that if something else happens, we will have a plan that has been logically put together and not one that we made during a time of high emotion. We we are hoping is that the incident has made him more aware of the animals and he will avoid them. We also try to involve him in their care. After they had their bath, he helped me brush them. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them. Please keep us in your prayers as we make our plan.
He does go to the Dr. today to have a checkup on his ears. We are hopeful that the infections have cleared up. We are worried about him taking after his daddy and having tubes in his ears. Not something we are looking forward to. But we are doing all we can to get them cleared up and stay that way. If only the weather would help us out!
We did have something happen that we have been dreading. Mattie, our red dog, snapped at Keegan Sunday night. He got too much into her space and she let him know. She did not come near biting him but scared him and made him cry. This has made us talk about a few things. First of all, what will it take for us to say no more and try to find her a home. Will it take Keegan getting hurt? How hurt will he have to be? Also, what will we do to try to find her a new home. Will she go to one of our parents' houses? We know that it will be hard to find her a home due to her age, medical issues, and history of biting. She has a huge fear for men and goes after people she is not familiar with. In talking last night, we realized two things. One, this is not a topic we like talking about. Two, it is a discussion we need to have now so that if something else happens, we will have a plan that has been logically put together and not one that we made during a time of high emotion. We we are hoping is that the incident has made him more aware of the animals and he will avoid them. We also try to involve him in their care. After they had their bath, he helped me brush them. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them. Please keep us in your prayers as we make our plan.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Just catching up
Well, we are better from our sickies but still not at 100% full Teubner Power. This long weekend was really nice since we got to spend a lot of time with Keegan. He truly changes everyday. We went and met Chris's mom and Tommy for dinner on Saturday night. While we were there, Keegan began to clap. Chris and I were both shocked since he all of a sudden started doing it. So an amazing guy. Then, yesterday afternoon, I was home with Keegan while Chris was in Houston. As I was feeding Keegan his dinner, I swear he was saying "Mama". I called and asked my mom if she had been working with him on it while she had him in the morning and she had!! He wouldn't do it for Chris but he has to be in a talking mood. Tonight, my parents and grandmother are coming over to have birthday dinner for my grandmother (turned 88 yesterday). We are hoping he feels like talking then!
Speaking of my grandmother, she said something that really touched me. My mother kept Keegan yesterday morning while I went and worked out and then met some friends for lunch and a movie. When I spoke with my grandmother yesterday evening, she was telling me all about the people who had been calling her all day. She then said that what she enjoyed most yesterday was that boy. This made my spirit glow to know that he means so much to her and that she is around to enjoy him. I never really got to know my great-grands and I know I would have enjoyed their diverse personalities.
On a sadder note, we might be looking at have to find new homes for our cats. Keegan has gone through two antibiotics to get rid of this congestion and ear infections but seems about the same. We are afraid that he, like the two of us, is allergic to cats. This does break our hearts since we view our animals as part of the family. Chris got Daisy for me the year we married. She is such a loving (sometimes too much) cat. She doesn't bug Keegan much and leaves his stuff alone. Fat Cat, on the other hand, thinks his crib is the best place to sleep! We have started closing his door when he is not sleeping to keep her out. We are hoping this will help him. While Fat Cat has her faults (we can't have rugs on the floor or leave anything fabric on the floor or she will pee on it!), she loves to be with you. She just purrs to sit on your lap. You don't even have to pet her and she's happy. She has also taken to sleeping between Chris and I at night. It is funny to turn over and see her snuggled between us. Just have the idea that we might have to find them new homes makes me feel like a bad parent but I know that we have to do what is best for Keegan. If it means that he will have a less likely chance of having ear infections than it is what we will have to do.
Speaking of my grandmother, she said something that really touched me. My mother kept Keegan yesterday morning while I went and worked out and then met some friends for lunch and a movie. When I spoke with my grandmother yesterday evening, she was telling me all about the people who had been calling her all day. She then said that what she enjoyed most yesterday was that boy. This made my spirit glow to know that he means so much to her and that she is around to enjoy him. I never really got to know my great-grands and I know I would have enjoyed their diverse personalities.
On a sadder note, we might be looking at have to find new homes for our cats. Keegan has gone through two antibiotics to get rid of this congestion and ear infections but seems about the same. We are afraid that he, like the two of us, is allergic to cats. This does break our hearts since we view our animals as part of the family. Chris got Daisy for me the year we married. She is such a loving (sometimes too much) cat. She doesn't bug Keegan much and leaves his stuff alone. Fat Cat, on the other hand, thinks his crib is the best place to sleep! We have started closing his door when he is not sleeping to keep her out. We are hoping this will help him. While Fat Cat has her faults (we can't have rugs on the floor or leave anything fabric on the floor or she will pee on it!), she loves to be with you. She just purrs to sit on your lap. You don't even have to pet her and she's happy. She has also taken to sleeping between Chris and I at night. It is funny to turn over and see her snuggled between us. Just have the idea that we might have to find them new homes makes me feel like a bad parent but I know that we have to do what is best for Keegan. If it means that he will have a less likely chance of having ear infections than it is what we will have to do.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New blog
We've made a commitment to our future and have decided to make 2008 a chance to change. Please check out our Creating A New Us blog (click on our CANU08 blog on the right side of the page). The more support we get, the more we will stay committed to becoming the people that God created us to be.
Sickies have moved in
We all three are sick. Great. K has a cold that all the kids at Becky's have which has led to double ear infections. He's had it for a couple of weeks and we've tried meds but they didn't work. So, it's three days of zithromax. Please pray that it works. We are hoping that K does not take after his daddy and have to have tubes put it in his ears. Chris and I have been dealing with allergy stuff and it has now led to the beginnings of a lovely sinus infection. Chris is going to see our Dr. today and will check and see if he can get a prescript for me while he is there. This is really awful timing as Saturday is my cousin's daughter's 1st b-day. Izzy was born premature and is a true miracle. To miss out on celebrating this milestone saddens me but I know that she knows it is for the best.
Monday, January 14, 2008
My name is Mudd
Well, Keegan has a new behavior. He has started into the separation anxiety phase and the only person he wants is his Daddy. The perfect example of this is at church yesterday. Dexter, our youth minister, adores Keegan and came over to give him his usual Sunday greetings. As he was holding Keegan, K just started crying. I took him and he continued to cry. As soon as Chris took him, Keegan was fine. He did it again during the luncheon after church. Talking about feeling lower than dirt! Hello!! I carried you for 8 1/2 months!! Where's the love???
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
So sleepy!
Mr. K. seems to be going through growth spurt. He has woken up the past couple of nights around 11 and again around 3 hungry. But his 3 am act this morning cracked us up. He wasn't hungry or upset. How do we know this? Well, he spent about 30 minutes just talking to himself. Just babbling on and on to no one in particular. Usually, if I am awoken that early, I'm grouchy. But hearing this little guy made me laugh. He is such a blessing.
Monday, January 7, 2008
We're moving now!!
Last night, we were watching Home Makeover and K was rolling around on the floor. He then noticed the remote had fallen to the floor. He truly covets the remote. We weren't worried about him getting it since it was out of rolling range. How we underestimate our little guy. As we were watching him struggle to get to the remote, he did it. He crawled!! We were both speechless. Poor thing. We kept moving the remote farther and farther away. We can't believe that he finally did it. He has been trying so hard the past couple of weeks. He will almost get those knees and arms moving and then get frustrated and fling them out from under himself. But he finally got everything going at the right time. He was so tired from showing off for us and Nanny and Pop. Chris should be getting video of it on our smugmug site later today.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Houston, we have a word ...
... and that word is "Daddy"! Well, dada ... but I'll take what I can get. How cool is that? He's starting to at least pretend like he recognizes me as his dad ... very cool ... every once in awhile he even has moments where he is an obvious "daddy's boy" ... Sarah get a big kick out of trying to get K to say mommy ... but he always responds with "Dada" ... too funny.
Splish Splash
Nanny kept Keegan over New Year's while we went to Waco. One thing she has been looking forward to for a long time is being able to give Keegan a bath in her super deep sink in the kitchen. She was able to do so while we were gone. Keegan had the best time. When we came over to pick him up, he had spit up and needed a bath. We decided to go ahead and give him a bath there so we could see him in the sink. We put him in the sink and he went to town! He splashed so much.
But his favorite things to play with were the turtles from my Aunt Ruth Ann and Uncle Rusty. They had driven down from Tennessee and had dinner with us Saturday night.
He loved the turtles. When he wasn't splashing, he had a turtle in his mouth.
It was such a joy to see him having a great time. As a bath person, I was worried that he would not like baths but it looks like he is a bath person - YEAH!

So close!
Something else Keegna is working on is crawling. He will get one his hands and knees and started rocking back and forth. He goes really fast whenever Grandnanny sings "Twopie Twos" to him. He is SO close to moving around but he seems to enjoy just being able to rock right now. Look for a post about crawling very soon!
We have tooth!

One of the gifts Keegan got this Christmas was his first tooth!! The first time we realized what was happened, he was in the middle of a meltdown - first ever. We looked at each other and said "Wonder if he is teething". Sure enough, we check and his right front tooth was peeking out. We found that Tylenol really does help. Keegan is not too sure about this whole tooth thing, especially after biting his lip - ouch!! But we are excited to see it! To see it better, just double click on the picture.
First Christmas
Our festivities started on the Sunday before Christmas with a gathering at my Uncle Kirby's house. It is always fun to get together with them, especially to see how Izzy and Keegan get along. 

We had a yummy dinner and then had a gift exchange. We had some left over ornaments from our project for the children's Sunday school we teach so I brought them over. Connor, Izzy, and Keegan all made ornaments. We had a great time. We're hoping that next year's project is just as fun but hopefully not as messy.
Our next gathering was Christmas Eve with Chris's dad's family in Corinth. Josh, Shannan, and the boys joined us up there. We had to have a light lunch since we had dinner plans. Keegan had a great time visiting with Paw-paw, his great grandfather. He also enjoyed looking at himself in Paw-paw's cool mirror. Keegan had the best seat in the house as you can see below.
We then met Lynne and family at Bucca di Beppo for dinner. It is a great Italian eatery that serves meals family style (huge portions that feed 2-3 people per plate). We had reserved the Pope room. In other Bucca's, this room has a bust of the Pope in the center of the table. This one had a huge round table whose center was actually a large lazy susan. Cole thought it was totally cool. He even set his drink on it and would turn it the entire way around and the take a drink - so funny!!

After dinner, the three of us went to the 7:30 Christmas Eve service. This meant a lot to us since it was at that service last year that we first felt Keegan move. And it was a joy to share this time with my parents, Grandnanny, and the people of our church. Keegan had a great time and enjoyed the singing. He was mesmerized by the candles we held at the end of the service. We then headed home to get everything ready for Christmas day. Keegan wore his cool pj's that said "Waiting for Santa" and had a pic of milk and cookies.
For some reason, it felt like we slept for 20 hours. That night would never end! I'd wake up and see the clock said 3:00. I'd fall back asleep and then wake up again. Knowing I had slept for hours, I'd check out the clock. 3:20. WHAT??? Surely not. But Christmas morning finally came. Santa had left Keegan's presents at the front of the tree. Check out our smumug website for videos of Keegan seeing his goodies.
My first Tonka

Our next gathering was Christmas Eve with Chris's dad's family in Corinth. Josh, Shannan, and the boys joined us up there. We had to have a light lunch since we had dinner plans. Keegan had a great time visiting with Paw-paw, his great grandfather. He also enjoyed looking at himself in Paw-paw's cool mirror. Keegan had the best seat in the house as you can see below.

We then met Lynne and family at Bucca di Beppo for dinner. It is a great Italian eatery that serves meals family style (huge portions that feed 2-3 people per plate). We had reserved the Pope room. In other Bucca's, this room has a bust of the Pope in the center of the table. This one had a huge round table whose center was actually a large lazy susan. Cole thought it was totally cool. He even set his drink on it and would turn it the entire way around and the take a drink - so funny!!

After dinner, the three of us went to the 7:30 Christmas Eve service. This meant a lot to us since it was at that service last year that we first felt Keegan move. And it was a joy to share this time with my parents, Grandnanny, and the people of our church. Keegan had a great time and enjoyed the singing. He was mesmerized by the candles we held at the end of the service. We then headed home to get everything ready for Christmas day. Keegan wore his cool pj's that said "Waiting for Santa" and had a pic of milk and cookies.
For some reason, it felt like we slept for 20 hours. That night would never end! I'd wake up and see the clock said 3:00. I'd fall back asleep and then wake up again. Knowing I had slept for hours, I'd check out the clock. 3:20. WHAT??? Surely not. But Christmas morning finally came. Santa had left Keegan's presents at the front of the tree. Check out our smumug website for videos of Keegan seeing his goodies.

Our cool stage

My pj's for opening presents
My parents and Grandnanny came over for breakfast around 9. I made monkey bread which my Dad declared "Best Ever". And it was yummy!!

After breakfast at our new table, we opened presents. Keegan had a great time opening presents.

I think Fat Cat enjoyed it too!

We headed to Mono's house for lunch and presents. Keegan again had a great time, especially with Tad's kids. He kept giving Lily kisses - so funny!!He'd give everyone kisses except Aunt Diane. But she was just happy that he didn't cry when he saw her!
We then came home for a bit of rest before heading over to Nanny and Pop's for dinner. Here we had meatloaf for dinner. Chris has decided that this was the best meatloaf Nanny has ever made. I agreed completely! We were joined by Chad, Cameron, and Trey. After dinner, we opened presents. The best part was the whoopee cushions - Cam's favorite!
Our little trio headed home. We were all tired and full. We slept so good!
The next evening, we headed over to Josh and Shannan's house in Midlothian to open presents with them. Josh had to work Christmas Eve so this was the only chance we had with him. Keegan got such a kick out of Caleb and Cole. And I think the feeling is mutual. He really does enjoy all of his cousins.
Overall, we had a great first Christmas with Keegan. I think the best part was being able to spend the week with him and not have to work. He is such a funny person. We still cannot believe that we got such a fantastic son. I will miss him when I go back to work on Monday =(
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